News — Did you know

Engraving: Choosing your font

Your font selection can convey a lot of information. A classic look can be altered dramatically to something silly or sentimental depending on the chosen font and object it’s being applied to. Whether you’re engraving a towering trophy or the inside of a ring, there are three things to keep in mind when selecting a font for your next engraving project.

Delivering an Amazing Award Speech

We’ve all heard the survey that is riddled with hyperbole; most people in the United States would rather die than be forced to speak publicly in front of a large audience. While this statement rings on the extreme side it does present the issue that public speaking is a widespread fear. The good news is that many times, barring social learning disabilities, this fear can be combated with knowledge, training, and practice.

Ordering Process 101

If you haven’t ordered from us in the past or would like a refresher on how our ordering system works, you’re in luck – I was just about to go over the ordering process in detail. Take a seat.

The Classy Awards

Stay Classy is a San Deigo-based startup project that developed an online fundraising product. It’s used by thousands of nonprofit organizations around the world and has seen amazing growth since it was founded in 2006. After revisions and iterations to the platform is has now evolved into an industry-leading online fundraising solution for foundations, charities, churches, schools, clubs and more. Recently, the founders were recognized by Bloomberg Business Week as one of the top 5 most promising social entrepreneurs in America. Simply put, StayClassy provides an easy way to allow supporters of charities to become fundraisers.

The Missing Wanamaker Trophy

Here at Rec Source, we’re suckers for stories weave the rich history of famous sports trophies and the entertainment value of a good mystery. The lavish, oral history that attaches to these renowned trophies could fill a library’s worth or books but there are only a handful of trophies in the sports world that possess the storied history like the Wanamaker Trophy, the prize for winning the PGA Championship in golf.