
Running a Successful Awards Presentation: The Space

A successful corporate awards presentation can really boost morale and can even improve productivity. On the flip side, however, a poor, or even mediocre experience produces the opposite results and may solidify a less-than-loyal employee’s worst fears about their organization.
There is no question that visibly rewarding employees in front of their peers and showing that management values their work and effort is an important aspect of employee retention. It’s invaluable opportunity to define, communicate and reinforce key aspects of outstanding performance.

So, the pressure is on. Here are some tips that help when planning the space and practicing that are sure to keep your nerves at bay and help you perform well above mediocrity.

Classy Awards: And the Winners Are…

In response to our Classy Awards post where we introduced the awards and covered some of the finalists – here is the follow-up post. We’ll dive into the ceremonies, the winners and the impact these charities have on the communities they serve.

For a smidge of backstory, the Class Awards were started in 2009 with a very straightforward goal – to put a public spotlight on amazing charitable efforts in the San Diego community. As the awards gained popularity and participation, the reach was quickly expanded to the entire nation and broken into regions throughout the country. This past year they received over 2,000 nomination and over 250,000 votes were cast and have become the largest philanthropic awards ceremony in the country.

So let’s review some of the winners and if you would like to know more about any of these charities that names of each charity links to their website.

Employee of the Month: Antiquated or Timeless?

Do Employee of the Month awards actually increase employee engagement and create healthy competitions or they outdated, problematic, and ineffective?

Managers are constantly plagued with this question and spend a lot of time to trying to determine how to properly provide recognition for work that consistently goes above and beyond the call of duty.

While you, faithful Recognition Source blog reader, may remember a past post about employee incentive programs, I want to assure you this material is not merely a reminder. No sir. Here we’ll dig deeper into crowd-sourced Q&As off LinkedIn and the popular opinion on how to implement a few Employee of the Month categories.

Corporate Gifts Abroad: What different countries expect

When travelling to other countries to conduct business it’s important to be aware of international corporate generosity protocols. You should be aware what countries expect gifts upon the initial meeting, which ones expect a gift on upon a followup visit, and also the countries where it’s not expected to provide a corporate gift. Take a look at the table below so you’re prepared when traveling internationally. In a followup post we will focus on the types of international gifts that are appropriate.

Engraving: Choosing your font

Your font selection can convey a lot of information. A classic look can be altered dramatically to something silly or sentimental depending on the chosen font and object it’s being applied to. Whether you’re engraving a towering trophy or the inside of a ring, there are three things to keep in mind when selecting a font for your next engraving project.