News — Recognition Awards

Employee Appreciation Day

Pop quiz time! When is Employee Appreciation Day? We’ll even accept the correct month. Any idea? I’ll give you a second… Give up or want to venture a guess? Well, sadly we tricked you – there is not a nationally recognized holiday to appreciate employees, however, many companies and small businesses have begun participating in...

Executive gifts: Making a choice

While the reasons for distributing recognition awards throughout your office may be bountiful, many managers don’t know where to start when it comes to selecting the right award for an accomplishment or event. While the selection can be overwhelming at first, here are a few starting points to help you narrow down what you’re looking...

Types of Employee Recognition Programs

We’ve talked on this blog before about the importance of recognizing achievements and growth in your company and company culture. However, we only touched on a few different programs – and there are a few others out there we should talk about. Whether your goal is improving the overall value of your employee years of...

Appreciating Employees Around the Holidays

appreciating employees during the holidays

As the holiday season quickly approaches employee morale can significantly wane. Combine daylight–saving time, dreary weather and long-hours leaves commuters to endure grey skies in the morning and darkness when they return home. Combine this with company stressors like deadlines, increased responsibility due to staff reductions, and impending salary reviews and you could have a significant portion of your employees suffering from the winter-holiday blues. The good news is, this is the perfect time of year to perk up your employees. We will feature some bright ideas after a few disturbing statistics about employee appreciation.

Employee of the Month: Antiquated or Timeless?

Do Employee of the Month awards actually increase employee engagement and create healthy competitions or they outdated, problematic, and ineffective?

Managers are constantly plagued with this question and spend a lot of time to trying to determine how to properly provide recognition for work that consistently goes above and beyond the call of duty.

While you, faithful Recognition Source blog reader, may remember a past post about employee incentive programs, I want to assure you this material is not merely a reminder. No sir. Here we’ll dig deeper into crowd-sourced Q&As off LinkedIn and the popular opinion on how to implement a few Employee of the Month categories.