
Delivering an Amazing Award Speech

We’ve all heard the survey that is riddled with hyperbole; most people in the United States would rather die than be forced to speak publicly in front of a large audience. While this statement rings on the extreme side it does present the issue that public speaking is a widespread fear. The good news is that many times, barring social learning disabilities, this fear can be combated with knowledge, training, and practice.

Top American Moments of the London 2012 Games

Another Olympics have come and gone and it seems to have passed with a blink of an eye. It was an impressive and monumental Games for the Americans with several athletes cementing themselves as the greatest in their sport throughout the world, and in certain scenarios, of all time.

Ordering Process 101

If you haven’t ordered from us in the past or would like a refresher on how our ordering system works, you’re in luck – I was just about to go over the ordering process in detail. Take a seat.

Is it worth it to compete in small biz contests?

Over the past few years there’s been a substantial increase in small business contests hosted by large corporations in order to spur small biz growth throughout the country. Some of the prizes consist of cash giveaways, marketing makeovers, tutoring from experts, small gifts (like an iPad), and of course, the invaluable prize of exposure for your business.  Entry requirements usually prompts small businesses for a few tasks in order to win a contest ranging from supplying a full business profile, to creating a video about the business, or simply getting the most votes in social media.

Featured Award: Crystal Globe Paperweight

Although it’s simple, our flat-bottomed crystal globe isn’t your average crystal award. That’s because when you give it, you put the whole world in your award winner’s hands — literally and symbolically. With room for engravings in its oceans, this standalone globe is equally at home as a trophy in your trophy case or a paperweight on your desk.